This loss hurts, and we fans who spend way more time on the team than is probably healthy need time to process it all. We will try, however, to maintain the Twitter feed and see how that goes. Thanks to our loyal readers and those who also have sent nice comments. Knowing that there are many out there who appreciate the things we share here has helped us continue when it seemed the late nights were getting to be too much. Until we come back with further word on the status of the blog for the future, take some time away from football in these months ahead.
UPDATE: Thanks for all of the positive comments to those who have done so. To respond to the comment about my being a “fair weather fan” (those are fighting words with me!), I have this to say: “Fair weather fan? I think not. I'll put my loyalty and time and money spent on the team (tickets, merchandise, and 1,872 miles of nine round trips between home and Green Bay) up against YOU or anyone, and will win hands- down. My break from the daily blog is to take a breather from the 300+ hours I've spent on it alone since the end of July. The end of the season, as frustrating as it was, is the perfect time to take a break since that is when all of the "fair weather fans" stop reading it anyway. Google's statistics prove that.