Today’s posting is about the release of the official Training Camp schedule for 2007. For those of us who have made Packers’ Training Camp part of the family vacation since 1988, the release of the schedule means it’s time to get on the phone and make the hotel reservations.
“Packerville, U.S.A.” will be at Training Camp from Saturday, July 28th through Thursday, August 2nd, and will provide daily updates and photographs from our temporary headquarters at the Best Western Midway Hotel, one block from the practice field (Clarke Hinkle Field along Oneida Street).
Training Camp is a wonderful time to be in Green Bay, as it means that there will be football news daily from then on through early February. And, it’s a time of optimism about the coming season — and a time to stock up on all the new souvenirs and trinkets to add to “the collection.”
If you’ve never been to Training Camp, and you live within driving distance, you’d better think about it if you want to see Brett Favre before he retires. Of course, we’ve been saying that for the last three or four years. Anyway, if you’re a true Packer fan, experiencing Training Camp should be something to treat yourself with at least once.