Today, we begin a series that will take some 47 days to complete, although we don’t necessarily plan to do it in 47 consecutive days. We plan to feature the cover of every Packers’ Yearbook and highlights of the contents from the initial issue in 1960 (today’s posting), to the 2007 version which we will obtain during our week at Training Camp at the end of July.
The Green Bay Packers Yearbook was started in 1960 by Art Daley (of the Green Bay Press-Gazette) and Jack Yuenger, and — like the Packers Hall of Fame — was not associated officially with the Packers until 2003 when the team purchased the publication. The 1960 Yearbook is the hardest to find for collectors, and therefore the most expensive when one does come across an issue. It is not uncommon to see the occasional copy going for anywhere between $500 and $1,100 (as of today) on eBay.
Some highlights from the 1960 issue: “Green Bay, the Sports Wonder of the World... The 11-Year Famine is Over — Packers Geared to Soar in 1960s... Coach of the Year (Lombardi) Defends His Title...Bobby Dillon Ends Career... City Stadium — The House that Green Bay Built... Meet Tom Moore — First Draft Choice... (Bart) Starr Is New Packer Starr...Emlen Tunnell — The Grand Old Man of Defense... (Gary) Knafelc’s Key Katches... Trades Boom Packer Fortunes... Rookie of ’59 Boyd Dowler Soph Sensation!... Number Five — (Paul) Hornung Kicks, Runs, Passes... A Fearsome Foursome — The League’s Best Linebackers (including Nitschke)... The Packer Family — 1,698 Assorted Men, Women Own Packers...The Dogfaces Up Front (Packers’ offensive line)... Thrillingest Victory and Toughest Loss... The Packers’ 1959 Story — In Statistics... League Section — Know Your Enemies... 1959 NFL Statistics...