Thursday, March 16, 2023

It’s That Time of Year...

While the rest of the country thinks of spring, baseball, the NCAA tournament, and whatever else, those of use who are Packers season ticket holders make sure that we DO NOT miss the deadline for 2023 season ticket payments. They are due by March 31, but we paid on the 16th to be eligible for prizes. And, if you’re like us, you have two payments to make (both Green and Gold packages), so the amount paid is even larger. Ticket prices went up this year, as they do semi-regularly. When we first got our Gold Package tickets in 1991 (for games played in Milwaukee), it had taken prices 72 years to climb all the way to $29 each. Since 1991, they have climbed a much steeper monetary mountain — to $129 each (our seats are in the end zones for both packages). It is what it is... what are you going to do?

The view from our Green Package seats at Lambeau Field.