Monday, June 28, 2021

2022 Packers Throwbacks

With the change in the NFL helmet rules set to take effect in 2022, the Green Bay Packers will most likely have a throwback uniform for a home game next year. We would like to make a suggestion for a future throwback “look” which ironically, doesn’t require a different helmet. QB Bart Starr is seen above with the classic 1965 Packers uniform, which we’d like to endorse for consideration. The helmet color would be the same, but with the original, more football-shaped “G” and grey face masks

On the jersey, the five stripes (yellow-white-yellow-white-yellow) would return to the upper sleeve. On the pants, the thick width green-white-green stripes touching together. An alternate idea would be to use the striping from earlier in the Lombardi era, with thinner green-white-green stripes, with yellow in between (see below). The striping on the socks would match the pattern and colors of the upper sleeve. The last piece is crucial to that era’s look — everyone in black shoes.

So, we’ll see what happens. In our opinion, the retro uniforms that the team has used in the previous years have required too much of a “stretch” in the imagination, probably largely because the key elements were quite different in the 1930’s and not relatable to the fans of this modern era. The 2022 retro look has most likely already been approved, but the above is something we’d like to see down the pike. The team did miss a perfect opportunity to visually re-create the 1965 NFL Championship when Cleveland came to town back in 2013, and the Packers came out on top, 31-13.