From today’s “Glimpses of the Past”:
“Would You Pay 50 Cents to Keep the Packers?… Are the Packers worth a couple of packs of smokes, a half-pound of coffee or any other four-bit item to you? The figure seems rather fantastic when you place it alongside the price of a new stadium, but here’s how Bernard Darling, co-chairman of the Stadium Ward committee along with Councilman Roman Denissen, explained it at an informal meeting of city councilman, Mayor Otto Rachals, City Atty. Clarence Nier and Packer officials at the Northland Hotel last night:
‘The City of Green Bay’s cost in building the stadium will be approximately $600,000 in 20 years — the original $480,000 plus interest. The Packers’ cost will be the same. Our population should average 60,000 over the next 20 years and probably will go higher. Thus, the average cost per person for the city’s share would be $10 for 20 years.’
“Citizens of Green Bay will vote April 3 on a referendum to decide whether or not the City of Green Bay should issue $960,000 in bonds for the construction of a new stadium, with the Packers bearing half the cost.”
— Green Bay-Press-Gazette, March 13, 1956
We’re glad these “citizens of Green Bay” voted sensibly to build what is widely hailed as one of the places that sports fans need to visit before they die.
Text from today’s Green Bay Press-Gazette