From the publisher: “A book deeply rooted in American history exploring the evolution of the Packers and professional football in the broader context of American culture. The narrative details the history of football in Green Bay, Wisconsin from its introduction in 1895. The biographical style puts the reader directly into pivotal historical events and locations, with emphasis on the development and survival of the Gre...en Bay Packers thanks to the efforts of the community. It integrates elements of American and World History to paint an accurate picture of American life at various points in time from 1895-2011, viewed from the institution of professional football. Approximately 375 photographs, including "then and now" spreads add a lively visual perspective. This is the most comprehensive book ever written on the history of the Green Bay Packers and will enrich the reader's understanding of American history in general.”
Here are a few examples of what’s inside:

Old Packer Offices
The old Green Bay Packers offices at the corner of Washington and Crooks. Packers business was conducted out of this building from 1949 to 1963. Vince Lombardi’s office was in this building for the first five years of his tenure in Green Bay before moving into the offices at new City Stadium. (Copyright Tom Pigeon)

Sneezer’s Snack Shop
Sneezer’s Snack Shop at 1608 S. Greenwood (now Ashland) Avenue in the early 1950s. Vince Lombardi often ate breakfast here on his way to the practice field. The left half of the building was the restaurant, and the right half of the building was the Jahnke family home. On game day, Sneezer’s was a defacto tailgating site, 1960s style. During the 60s, tailgating at the stadium did not enjoy the popularity that it does today.

Curly Lambeau’s Grave
Curly Lambeau's grave site in Allouez Catholic Cemetery. (Copyright James Hurly)

Van Duyse House, Sturgeon Bay
Mary Jane Van Duyse (Sorgel) speaks to the authors from the exact spot at the home in Sturgeon Bay where Curly Lambeau collapsed and died on her parents’ front lawn in 1965. (Copyright James Hurly)
Here’s a short video, if you are interested: