We close out the Seventies today with the 1979 Green Bay Packers Yearbook, which features an image with the moment of handoff between quarterback David Whitehurst and running back Terdell Middleton behind the blocking of center Larry McCarren and guard Mel Jackson. The cover photo was taken during the Packers-Seahawks game in Milwaukee County Stadium on October 15, 1978. The Packers won that game 45-28.
In 1979, Lynn Dickey was back with the team, but David Whitehurst was the starter until the last three games. The team ended up 5-11-0 that season, putting them in last place in the NFC Central Division. Whitehurst passed for 2,247 yards, 10 TD’s, and 18 INT’s. In his three games as a starter, Lynn Dickey passed for 787 yards, 5 TD’s, and 4 INT’s. Terdell Middleton led the team in rushing, gaining 495 yards in 131 attempts, and scoring 2 TD’s. Tight end paul Coffman led in receptions (56 for 711 yards; 4 TDs), while James Lofton was the second leading receiver (54 for 968; 4 TD’s).
Some of the stories in the 1979 Yearbook were: “Packers a Contender”... “James Lofton — ‘I Don’t Think I Did Enough’ ”... “Wide Receivers, Passer, Virtually All Rookies”... “The Intangibles — ‘Character Will Win Every Time’ — Bart ”... “The Offensive Line Returns Intact”... “Terdell — ‘Things Never Come Easy for Me’ ”... “Thunder and Lightning at Defensive End”... “Halls of Fame”... “David Whitehurst — This is His Year”... “The Longest Game”... “The 1978 Season in Statistics”... “The Record Book Looks at the Top 20”... “Your 1979 Packers”... “Steve Odom — A Tribute”... “Packers Get Strength from Strength”... “Sideliners Veterans Now”... “A Monday Nighter in Green Bay”...