Today’s posting features an image of the Packers’ locker room, with quarterback Bart Starr and one of his young sons. The photo must be from 1963 or 1964, the two years in the middle of the decade where they didn’t win the NFL Championship (in 1963 it was the Bears, and the Browns in 1964).
The sign above the lockers lists all of the years the Packers were champions, including the recent (at the time) 1961 & ’62 titles. Since it doesn’t list 1965 we can be reasonably sure it’s not later than 1964. Looking further, the players whose names can be seen on the locker nameplates are:
#58 Dan Currie (1958-1964)
#77 Ron Kostelnik (1961-1968)
#88 Ron Kramer (1957, 1959-1964)
#15 Bart Starr (1956-1971)
#83 Urban Henry (1963)
Well, there you have it... Urban Henry’s name establishes that the photo is from 1963 — his only year on the team. It’s amazing how a little detective work can solve simple issues.
Having been in the Packers’ current locker room twice, I can tell you that this 1963 version is very spartan compared to today’s luxury amenities that teams “need” to provide modern-day players.