The Packers’ twentieth appearance on the cover of Sports Illustrated was due to their NFC Championship game victory over the Carolina Panthers in January 1997, which propelled them into Super Bowl XXXI in New Orleans. On the cover, receiver Antonio Freeman is depicted making a catch along with the headline: “Green Bay All the Way... Antonio Freeman and the Packers look unstoppable.”
The article opens with a two-page spread showing running back Dorsey Levens breaking a tackle, with the headline: “Super Again... Evoking memories of their title-winning forbears, the Packers overpowered the Panthers and advanced to their first Super Bowl in 29 years.” The article went on to state, “In a season marred by drug suspensions, trash talk, and nine coaching casualties, the Packers restored sentiment to the game. With their 30-13 thumping of the Carolina Panthers, they extended one of the most compelling feel-good sports stories of recent years for another two weeks. On January 26... they will face the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XXXI...”
“Less than three minutes remained in the NFC Championship Game on Sunday when Packers’ quarterback Brett Favre jogged triumphantly to the sidelines, his first trip to the Super Bowl a done deal. As 60,790 fans shook Lambeau Field to its icy core, Favre received a wool cap, a 1996 NFC Champions hat, and a bear hug from defensive end Reggie White, whose smile could have melted the most frozen tundra. ‘Congratulations, you deserve this,’ Favre whispered into White’s ear, and the big man lost it. Steam rising from his head and tears running down his cheeks, the 35-year-old, 300-pound White turned into a bundle of mush.”
Many in the Packers’ organization, including team president and general manager Ron Wolf, said years later that this game was the most satisfying moment — even more so than winning the Super Bowl two weeks later, because it signified just how far the Packers had come in five seasons. Their rebirth was complete and had brought them to the pinnacle. Now they had one more game to prove to the world that they were championship material.